Children Need Urgently Immune Protection
Especially in Times of Pandemic
Wherever people gather, pathogens have the opportunity to spread quickly and widely. This is also and especially true at school. Children do not yet have a trained immune system so, it is important to stimulate the immune system but not to overtax it. Keeping school rooms largely free of airborne pathogens is therefore particularly important, especially in times of Covid 19, but also with other pathogens.
The Combination of ventilation, aeration and disinfection we redommend is likely to be the most effective measure and is confirmed by the most recent study of the Technical University Berlin, which states "... that individual measures are often not sufficient to significantly reduce the risk of infection, but that a combination (...) is necessary, ..." and that with Omikron, the viral load in the air must be significantly reduced as even low levels of contamination lead to infections.
Schools Need Fresh Air
We Deliver the Concepts
The German Federal Environment Buereau says in it's recommendation Measures in Schools recently.: "In the course of the COVID 19 pandemic, the view has prevailed that the risk of infection can only be controlled if a combination of different measures is implemented, ...".
This is precisely the strategy on which our individual and neutral advice is based. Indoor air hygiene is not all about technology, but rather individually planned with ventilation, disinfection and filtration. Only together do these measures promote health and help against Covid 19. We will find the right solution for you in terms of health and economic efficiency. Wherever stationary room air systems are not possible, we determine the individual requirements for each room and develop a fresh air concept that is supplemented by technical devices.